CAD Design

CAD (Computer-Aided Design) is a software-based design process that allows for the creation of precise and customizable 2D or 3D models. It is widely used in various fields, including mechanical engineering, architecture, electronics, and the furniture industry. CAD software enables designers and engineers to input dimensions, materials, and other parameters to create detailed design solutions. The process includes sketching, model creation, adding details, specifying materials, and properties.

CAD Design - a precise and creative process for bringing ideas to life.

CAD (Computer-Aided Design) design is a precise and creative process that allows ideas to be visualized and developed digitally. CAD design utilizes specialized software systems that enable engineers, designers, and architects to create and modify 2D or 3D models. This technology has become a crucial part of many industries, helping accelerate product development, improve design accuracy, and reduce manufacturing costs.

CAD design allows for the precise definition and control of object dimensions, shapes, and properties. As a result, designers can create accurate and detailed models that precisely meet the clients' requirements and specifications. CAD design software also offers several advanced features such as motion analysis, virtual assembly, measurement, and stress analysis, which help prevent design errors and optimize product functionality and performance.

CAD design allows for working with various materials and components according to the project's needs and goals. Depending on the industry and application, CAD design can involve different materials such as metals, plastics, ceramics, wood, and more. Additionally, CAD design enables the exploration of different component combinations and assesses their suitability and durability before creating a physical prototype.


  • Mechanical engineering: CAD design is widely used in mechanical engineering, enabling engineers to create and optimize machines, tools, and equipment before the production process.
  • Architecture: Architects use CAD design to create and shape 3D models of buildings and cityscapes, enabling more precise visualizations and design accuracy.
  • Electronics: CAD design enables electronics engineers to design and optimize electronic components, printed circuit boards, and schematics, ensuring their suitability and functionality.
  • Design and art: CAD design has become an essential tool for designers and artists, helping them create complex and innovative shapes and forms.
  • Medicine: CAD design allows for the precise design of medical devices and implants, enabling customized solutions and better fit for patients.

If you are looking for a reliable and professional CAD design partner, please feel free to contact us. METAKO team has extensive experience in CAD design and offers high-quality design services to various industries. We are ready to assist you in bringing your ideas to life and achieving the best results.
